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Welcome to
Class 3

Meet the Team

Welcome to Class 3! One of our KS1 Classes. Our Class teacher is  Miss Smith who will teach your child supported by the other members of the KS1 team

Miss Smith
Mrs Collier
Mrs Fagan
Miss Connolly
Miss Soulsby

Our Class Charter

Our class promises are decided by the children in our class. They are the rules and values that they think are most important to help our class be the best it can.


Our Curriculum

We have such an exciting curriculum in our class which is based around the Keystage 1 National Curriculum. We enjoy our English and maths sessions and all of the other subjects across the national curriculum but also the range of exciting, additional opportunities that we also organise in order to enrich the experiences of our children.


Please click on the link below to see our curriculum in more detail.

Our Timetable

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Teaching Texts and ‘Story Suitcases’

We really value reading at South Stanley Infant and Nursery, and know the positive impact reading for pleasure has on your child’s future achievements.  That is why we have our Y1 story suitcase which  has 12 of our favourite stories in. We focus on one story a per week, reading it at least once per day every day of the week. This helps the children to get to know these carefully chosen stories inside out!  They learn the repeated refrains, new vocabulary, get excited when anticipating events in the story.  It enables them to know the book well enough to talk about it with their friends and to use this story knowledge in their play, recreating and innovating new tales of their own!

Our teaching texts for English are chosen to reflect a range of quality texts from high quality authors. Where possible these books support the topic studied.

Below are the teaching texts and stories that your child will enjoy in Class 3.



Children build up a bank of twelve well known nursery rhymes throughout the year, and recall and enjoy those from previous years.

Every half term, a poetry 'pick' is enjoyed - a poem picked for its quality language, recommendation and links to learning. Children unpick the vocabulary and enjoy listening to, then joining in with the poem, leading to in class and shared performances. 

These are the poems we enjoy throughout the year.

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Book Bags and Homework


All of our children are provided with a book bag and reading record, which we ask parents to sign and comment in so we can see how the children are progressing at home.

We ask that ALL children bring their book bag to school every MONDAY.  The children will be given a reading book and reading record linked to their phonics unit for the week. The children will also get the opportunity to choose a reading for pleasure book from our library to enjoy at home with family. They will bring their book bags home again on Tuesday.  We ask that you also send the book bag back to school for a quick check in on Thursday.  We will read your comments and see if any additional help is needed and send it back the same day.

We expect our children to read their phonic book to you 5 times throughout the week, with a minimum of 3 times, and there is more information in their reading record about this and possible comments you might make.  Please sign the reading record every time you listen to your child read.

On THURSDAY we send home 1 piece of phonics homework and 1 piece of maths homework. These short activities will give a flavour of what we are working on in school, and provide an opportunity for children to consolidate their learning. Homework should be returned the following Monday.

Class ‘News’

We always love to hear from home, we really welcome the children to share celebrations and achievements outside of school. Whether it is simply a photograph of something exciting you have been up to, an extra piece of work your tried at home or even a book you really enjoyed. We love to hear about it!


It also provides on opportunity for children to explain their news to their friends and ask and answer questions.

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Our Children!

Our children enjoy a range of teacher led challenges and child led learning and play, and we think you’ll agree, they certainly are having fun

Keystage 1

Please click on the links below to see newsletters.

Class 3 Newsletter Autumn 1 2024

Class 3 Newsletter Autumn 2 2024

Class 3 Newsletter Spring 1 2025

Newsletters 2023-2024

Class 3 Newsletter Autumn 2 2023

Class 3 Newsletter Spring 1 2024

Useful information and links

Words for Life | National Literacy Trust | Words for Life

Sounds-Write for parents

If you would like to know more about Class 3 or would like further information about our school, please see your child’s teacher or ring the school office on 01207 232445.

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